RootWave eWeeder for fruit. Full control | Zero Chemicals
Learn moreBetter Weed Control for orchards and vineyards – order now.
- RootWave and Garford collaborate to develop eWeeding technology
- Defra Minister visits RootWave as £50k grower grant announced
- Weeding in a winter wonderland
- Glyphosate delays divert time and resources away from where they are needed – innovation
- Strong grower interest as weeds zapped at demo events
- RootWave showcases new machine at demo events
- RootWave announce dates of eWeeding demonstration days
- RootWave’s Chisom Akujobi wins Top 50 Women in Engineering award!
- UK Electrical weed control firm RootWave to open crowdfunding
- Independent study explains why RootWave technology is the safest electrical weed control